50+ Essential Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows & Mac – Boost Productivity!

Here Are 50+ Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts

ActionWindows ShortcutMac Shortcut
CopyCtrl + CCommand + C
CutCtrl + XCommand + X
PasteCtrl + VCommand + V
UndoCtrl + ZCommand + Z
RedoCtrl + Y or Ctrl + Shift + ZCommand + Shift + Z
Select AllCtrl + ACommand + A
SaveCtrl + SCommand + S
Open FileCtrl + OCommand + O
New File/WindowCtrl + NCommand + N
PrintCtrl + PCommand + P
FindCtrl + FCommand + F
ReplaceCtrl + HCommand + Option + F
BoldCtrl + BCommand + B
ItalicCtrl + ICommand + I
UnderlineCtrl + UCommand + U
Increase Text SizeCtrl + +Command + +
Decrease Text SizeCtrl + –Command + –
Refresh PageF5 or Ctrl + RCommand + R
Open Task ManagerCtrl + Shift + EscCommand + Option + Esc
Open File Explorer/FinderWin + ECommand + Shift + F
Close Active WindowAlt + F4Command + W
Minimize WindowWin + Down ArrowCommand + M
Maximize WindowWin + Up ArrowCommand + Control + F
Switch Between AppsAlt + TabCommand + Tab
Switch Between WindowsCtrl + TabCommand + ~ (Tilde)
Lock ScreenWin + LControl + Command + Q
Open Run DialogWin + RCommand + Space (Spotlight)
Open SettingsWin + ICommand + , (Comma)
Screenshot (Full Screen)PrtScCommand + Shift + 3
Screenshot (Selection)Win + Shift + SCommand + Shift + 4
Paste Without FormattingCtrl + Shift + VCommand + Shift + V
Close Browser TabCtrl + WCommand + W
Reopen Closed TabCtrl + Shift + TCommand + Shift + T
Open New Browser TabCtrl + TCommand + T
Open New Browser WindowCtrl + NCommand + N
Open Incognito ModeCtrl + Shift + NCommand + Shift + N
Show DesktopWin + DCommand + F3
Move to TrashDeleteCommand + Delete
Force Quit AppAlt + F4 or Ctrl + Shift + EscCommand + Option + Esc
Open Emoji PanelWin + .Command + Control + Space
Open Notification CenterWin + AFn + F3 or Command + Option + F5
Virtual Desktop (New)Win + Ctrl + DCtrl + Up Arrow
Virtual Desktop (Close)Win + Ctrl + F4Ctrl + Down Arrow
Move Between DesktopsWin + Ctrl + Left/Right ArrowCtrl + Left/Right Arrow
Open Clipboard HistoryWin + VN/A
DictationWin + HFn + Fn

50+ Required Laptop keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac

In the digital age, laptops can master the keyboard shortcut and increase efficiency. Whether you are a student, professional, or everyday user, these shortcuts streamline tasks and make the data processing quick and smooth.

Swap apps (Alt + Tab / Command + TAB) and take screenshots (Win + Shift + S / Command + Shift + 4), providing Each fast workflow a goal to improve.

Windows and Mac users can use the shortcut key to Open Task Manager for virtual desktops, lock screens, and better multitasking. These orders eliminate unnecessary clicks, reduce stress in hand, and increase productivity.

Want to do smart work? Master in these 50+ important portable shortcuts today! Https://yourwebsite.com/laptop-computer- keyboard- Shortcuts and explore productivity to the next level.

Pro Tip: The more you use these shortcuts, the faster they become the other nature – never to promote your efficiency🚀

50+ Essential Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows & Mac – Boost Productivity!
50+ Essential Laptop Keyboard Shortcuts for Windows & Mac – Boost Productivity!, (AshNow)

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